Role Models Scheme

We aim to employ a diverse workforce that reflects the population we serve, we know that in employing and valuing a diverse workforce we are able to recruit from a wider pool of talent, improve morale and provide services that are sensitive, responsive appropriate and easy to access.

With this in mind we have developed a Role Models Scheme to showcase the diversity in our workforce.  We hope that the positive messages from our staff about the jobs that they do, how they got where they are today and where they are going next will inspire others to apply for jobs in the hospital and motivate our existing staff to develop further in their careers with us.

The Role Model stories give us a flavour of the kind of jobs staff are employed in and development opportunities they have taken to move into higher positions, move across job roles or improve the quality of service within their job.

We also want to inform the community about the range of roles and career options in the NHS beyond doctors and nurses. There are over 70 different job roles within the NHS - all of which can act as a stepping-stone to other professions or types of work.

To access the scheme click on the link in the text above.