
The Roster system is an electronic tool used to manage safe staffing levels across the trust in order to deliver high quality patient care. The system used at LUHFT is HealthRoster provided by Allocate Software.

The system is used to record all shifts worked and absences linked to work time management and facilitates the pay of all enhanced duties such as; night & weekend enhancements, unsocial hours, overtime and on calls etc.



Managers and Roster Creators can access roster records for their teams on a unit by unit basis. Amongst other things they can roster off duty for their teams, run auto rosters if applicable patterns and demand templates allow, approve annual leave, record absences, send shifts for bank fill and adjust shift times. The HealthRoster system can be accessed by clicking here.


Employee On Line (EOL)

Staff can access their own roster records via Employee On Line (EOL) and submit shift requests, leave request and view their off duty. EOL can be accessed by clicking here.

The Roster system is maintained by the Roster team however all daily changes must be made locally by those with appropriate access within the department/ward/area.

It is the managers responsibility to:

  • Create 4 week rosters 8 weeks in advance.
  • Partially & Fully approve the rosters inline with Approval dates.
  • Ensure all rosters are a true reflection of what has been worked.
  • Finalise rosters in line with the payroll timetable.
  • Submit any contract changes as far in advance as possible

See the below graphic which details the roster cycle for an at a glance view of actions required if you are responsible for rostering. 

Guidance to support roster users, together with current roster approval timetables can also be found at the foot of this page.

Weekly Virtual Drop in Sessions

Virtual drop in sessions are scheduled each week to answer any rostering queries which users may have. All Managers and Roster Creators are emailed weekly with links a week to connect to that weeks' session. If you are new to rostering, or have any burning rostering questions please do keep an eye out for the emails and join our virtual session!

Support for any non Medical HealthRoster queries should be directed to

Roster Cycle