Expect Respect

We are running an ongoing Expect Respect campaign to demonstrate commitment to equality, diversity and human rights. We recognise the diversity of patients, visitors and the workforce and the importance of everyone being treated with dignity and respect. Staff and patients need to be aware that the Trust operates a zero tolerance policy to discrimination, harassment and abuse and this campaign srongly conveys this message.

The campaign conveys our expectations in relation to both staff and patients respecting individuals whatever their age, sexual orientation, race, religion, belief (or lack of religion or belief), disability, carer status or gender/gender reassignment, marital status or civil partnership. And reiterates the principles of Human Rights. FREDA - Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity & Autonomy.

The campaign consists of postcards, posters, business cards, a pledge website and wristbands, the postcard can be viewed by clicking on the document link on the right of this page.  The materials are displayed throughout the hospital and promoted to new staff at induction.  To order additional promotional materials email equalityanddiversity@rlbuht.nhs.uk

We are asking all staff to sign up to the Expect Respect campaign, click here on the pledge website.