Equality & Diversity
Welcome to the Equality, Diversity and Human Rights section of the Staff Hub
Modernising the NHS is about developing the values that influence the way that we work as well as investing in new facilities and developing new roles and working practices, Advancing equality, diversity & human rights is core business to improve the experience of both patients and staff in our hospitals.
Equality means that we have policies and practices that are inclusive and fair to all patients and staff. It means that we identify and remove any barriers to accessing employment and career progression, to accessing services and ensuring the same quality of care and outcomes for all irrespective of background.
Diversity means that we acknowledge people's differences whether they are visible or non-visible and celebrate and harness difference in a positive way. It means that our policies and practices are fair, flexible, engaged and responsive to cultural, physical or social difference.
It is everyone's right to be treated as an individual and with respect. We are committed to responding to the diverse needs of our patients and visitors, and promoting the individual qualities of our staff, irrespective of age, sexual orientation, race, religion, belief (or lack of religion or belief), disability or impairment type, carer status, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy & maternity or social-economic background.
We take a pro-active approach to equality and diversity and recognise this is a challenging agenda. We have an Equality and Diversity Sub-Committee chaired by Ros Edwards, HR Director that supports our work.
We participate annually in the National Equality Delivery System (EDS) and set six corporate equality objectives in 2012 to be achieved by 2016, to view our performance click here.
We have in place a range of initiatives to support equality, diversity and human rights. If you have any comments or would like to discuss any aspect of equality and diversity please contact equalityanddiversity@rlbuht.nhs.uk.