Hate Crime

Putting a stop to hate crime

We are working in partnership with the Merseyside Criminal Justice Board and Stophate UK to increase reporting of hate crime and became a hate crime third party reporting centre in August 2014.

As part of this initiative we have recruited named volunteers as Equality and Human Rights Practitioners, that have been trained by Merseyside police on 3rd party reporting and can offer support to anyone wishing to report a hate crime.

These are:

Andrea Smith - Equality and Diversity Manager

Elaine Butchard - Assistant Director of Human Resources

Ian Wright - Head of Security

Lynn Murphy - Lead Nurse in the Acute Medical Unit

Jackie Morris - HIV Specialist Nurse

Carole Cheshire - Senior Dental Nurse

We are committed to raising awareness of hate crime in our hospitals. A "hate crime" is anything perceived by the victim or a witness to be motivated by hate.  Hate crime is still known to be under reported by victims and we want to increase reporting of any hate crime related to our staff, patients and visitors. 

For further information on reporting hate crime you can contact one of the hate crime champions listed above and they will support you to report a hate crime."