Less than full time

Liverpool University Foundation NHS Trust is keen to support LTFT training. This page aims to signpost trainees and trainers on various aspects of LTFT training.

LTFT Overview Video: if you'd rather not read all the information below, watch this excellent overview held on this link.

Categories of LTFT training

Trainees may consider less than full-time training for various reasons that range from caring responsibilities, health and wellbeing concerns, professional development, or to ensure a healthy work-life balance.

Please discuss with your program management TPD before you apply.

The trust has Flexible Working Champion’s. Their job is to support all employees who work flexibly/asynchronously or less than full time.  The Champions can be contacted as follows,

Aintree Site

Gurinder Tack - gurinder.tack@aintree.nhs.uk

Leanne Callaghan - leanne.callaghan@liverpoolft.nhs.uk


Julia Henderson - Julia.Henderson@liverpoolft.nhs.uk

Anna Stewart – anna.stewart@liverpoolft.nhs.uk


Detailed resource on LTFT training, mainly focussing on the new Cat 3 LTFT, is available at this link.

Video resources: 

LTFT Training – Applying

LTFT Training – Pay

Comprehensive information on LTFT eligibility for trainees, application, tips and resources is available here.

External Links:  

GMC https://www.gmc-uk.org/education/standards-guidance-and-curricula/position-statements/less-than-full-time-training

NHS Employers https://www.nhsemployers.org/articles/pay-and-conditions-circulars-medical-and-dental-staff

BMA https://www.bma.org.uk/pay-and-contracts/pay/ltft/less-than-full-time-trainees-pay-explained