Exception Reporting
Exception reporting- a guide for all junior doctors
Exception reporting provides colleagues with the opportunity to inform their employers when their day–to–day work varies significantly and/or regularly from their work schedules.
This may include:
- Differences in hours of work
- Differences in the pattern of hours worked
- Differences in the educational opportunities and support available (please note this will be dealt with by the Director of Medical Education and not the Guardian of Safe Working Hours. For GP colleagues and others, in the absence of a DME this role is fulfilled by the Head of School)
- Differences in the support available during service commitments
What is exception reporting?
Exception reporting in conjunction with work scheduling is part of the 2016 Junior Doctor Contract that supports a safe working environment in which junior doctors can meet their training requirements whilst delivering great care for patients. This works via a negative feedback loop; i.e. if there is no exception reporting then those responsible for writing the work schedule will assume their rota is fit for purpose (even if it is not). Exception reporting has replaced diary monitoring as the contractual process for monitoring working hours.
When should I submit an exception report?
- Exception reports are submitted for the reasons outlined below, though this list is not exhaustive and individual judgement is required:
- Working over, or under your scheduled hours e.g. starting early, leaving late
- Rest breaks not taken
Missed educational opportunities e.g. not allowed to leave to attend mandatory training If there is an immediate safety concern you should submit a datix along with your exception reporting (this can be done on the home page of the intranet) and should be submitted within 24 hours. If you are concerned about a possible working time regulation* breach please raise the concern with your educational supervisor and department before the breach, so that the department has the opportunity to mitigate the breach by offering time off in lieu.
All other exception reports need to be submitted within 14 days, or 7 day if you are claiming payment.
eRota - Doctors in Training Exception Reporting eRota - https://vimeo.com/552824674/f748571777
Liverpool University Foundation Trust Hospital
The Guardian and Deputy Guardian (Dr Weston) wants to know about recurrent incidents and concerns. Please continue to submit Exception Reports for us to oversee, and if trainees or supervisors identify situations which are significant and recurrent / likely to recur, especially if you encounter difficulties in resolution, please contact me on my trust email (Philip.Weston@liverpoolft.nhs.uk
The MedicalCompliance@liverpoolft.nhs.uk team are responsible for system administration and the processing of payments.
Further guidance can be found at the following,
Exception reporting for junior doctors in England (bma.org.uk)