Employee Support
Employee Support
Employee’s joining the trust should all have received an ESR login username and password prior to their start date. These login credentials should be used to login into your applicant record to complete your mandatory training and update your personal information prior to your start date. You will be able to do this at your induction but completing beforehand will obviously save you time.
The following pages detail the process and guidance videos available,
ESR Access
ESR Employee Self Service Guides
Once you have started with the trust you will receive a smartcard that will allow access to your ESR record as well as patient systems. This smartcard can be used when on trust premises or via a trust laptop to access ESR, your username and password is still active and can be used to access your employee record via non-trust devices such as phone, tablet, laptop etc.
The ESR team pages can be found here
Payroll - https://staffhub.liverpoolft.nhs.uk/working-with-us/payroll.htm
28th of every calendar month with the following exceptions;
If this date falls on a weekend or bank holiday it is the preceding Friday
Pay for Permanent staff
Basic paid in month with additional duties a month in arrears.
Additional items like overtime, enhancements or expenses are normally paid one month in arrears.
Bank Staff - https://staffhub.liverpoolft.nhs.uk/working-with-us/bank-and-agency.htm
Paid one week in arrears for both basic hours and enhancements.
Payroll Contact Details
Payroll, Pensions, please contact STHK at payrollluh@sthk.nhs.uk
Phone: 0151 290 4940/4572
Useful links
HMRC – Understanding Tax
NHS Pensions
National Insurance
Payroll Services