ESR Employee Self Service Guides
ESR Employee Self Service is a national system which allows staff members to:
· Access paperless pay slips
· keep their personal information up to date
· see mandatory or essential training records and identify which training needs to be done and by when
· complete e-learning, which will update your training record immediately
The below guides will show you how to complete the actions listed using Employee Self Service,
**Please ensure you are logged in to ESR and open the links in the MS Edge browser rather then Chrome.**
Personal Details
How do I add emergency contact details?
How do I record my Equality and Diversity details?
How do I update my email address? (guidance document)
How do I amend my bank details?
For security purposes bank details can only be changed using a Trust PC.
TIP: To change your bank details always select the 'Update' option.
How do I record my phone number?
How do I update my registration details?
How do I record a Flexible Working request?
Mandatory Training
How do I manage my compliance and competencies?
My Absences
How do I request or delete Annual Leave?
How do I view my absence calendar?
How do I view my absence history?