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Staff Therapy Service

[Image - Physio]


Our Musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy team will assess and treat a wide range of injuries, disorders and diseases that affect joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Sports injuries, joint pain, complex pain conditions such as arthritis and problems after some surgical procedures are examples of issues that musculoskeletal physiotherapy can help treat.

Whether your injury, aches and pains are new or longstanding our Physiotherapists are specially trained to deliver the very best treatment approaches to help you get better including:

Exercise therapy

Physiotherapists use exercise to help patients improve movement, flexibility and strength to reduce pain in both the short and long term. LUHFT physiotherapists are trained to ensure that everyone they see receive the right exercise program and they will provide support to assist you to learn and carry out the program to make sure you get the most from your treatment.

Joint mobilisation & soft tissue techniques

Hands-on treatment to joints and muscles can help reduce pain and allow the body to start to move more freely. Physiotherapists may use these techniques on patients alongside other treatment approaches such as exercise therapy to help patients get better quicker.


Acupuncture refers to the insertion of sterile, single-use needles into specific points of the body to help relieve pain and symptoms. All LUHFT Physiotherapists delivering acupuncture have undertaken specialist training in this area.


Occupational Therapy 

Our Occupational Therapists will consider the impact of your work role and the environment in relation to your functional ability.

We have a wide range of skills within the team to be able to assist you to remain in work or return to work. We will work with you to establish the impact your current illness/ injury or disability has on your ability to perform your job role or the impact your work has on your condition.

We have specialists skills in neurology, rheumatology, upper limb disorders, splinting, ergonomics and long covid.

Treatment may include: 

We will work with you and your manager and assist with reasonable adjustments and provide advice, treatment or onward referral. 

Your assessment will take place in either the clinic or your work environment and home visits can be arranged if required. Most assessments are face to face but telephone consultations can be completed when appropriate. 


To refer yourself to the Staff Physiotherapy Service Therapies, click here

To Refer to Occupational Therapy please request a Cohort referral through your manager and specify the requirement as OT input/ work ergonomic assessment/ Functional Capability Evaluation

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