Annual Leave Carry Forward Process

From one leave year to the next there are occasions when staff may be eligible to carry forward their remaining leave. Carrying over annual leave should not be normal practice and must be exercised only in exceptional circumstances with the agreement of the employees line manager.


The Trust is unable to pay any unused annual leave as an alternative.

Carry forward of annual leave can only be processed for the reasons below.

MAX CARRY FORWARD AMOUNT 37.5hrs pro rata 20statutory days/150hrs pro rata All remaining leave

Only allowed in exceptional circumstances when staff have been unable to use all of their leave. Managers can only approve a max of 37.5hrs pro rata.

Minimum of 20days/150hrs pro rata stat days can be carried forward, however this must be offset by any leave taken in year. For example 175hrs leave taken in year results in no carry forward eligibility. 120hrs leave taken in year results in 30hrs to carry forward eligibility.  

Staff who have been on maternity leave cannot be disadvantaged through loss of annual leave entitlement. Annual leave should be planned where possible before the maternity leave begins, however all remaining balances can be carried forward from one leave year to the next.

Do you use HealthRoster or ESR to Manage Annual Leave?

Dependant on the system being used to manage annual leave for your team there will be a different route to confirm any annual leave carry forward.

HealthRoster - A specific carry forward template for HealthRoster users will be sent by the Roster Team. The template for HealthRoster users can be donwloaded at the foot of this page, or by clicking here. Please follow instructions on the template and within the email from the Roster Team in order to complete and submit any carry forward for your team. Returns should be submitted to

ESR - A specific carry forward template for ESR users will be sent by the Workforce Team. The template for ESR users can be downloaded at the foot of this page, or by clicking here. Please follow instructions on the template and within the email from the Workforce Team in order to complete and submit any carry forward for your team. Returns should be submitted to

Carry forward which does not conform with the above limits will not be processed.

Any carry forward approved under 'Manager's Discretion' which is in excess of the stated limits of 37.5hrs pro rata must have relevant Hospital Leadership Teams approval and this must be included on templates.

Please note that all annual leave which is carried forward should be planned to be taken on or before 30th June 2024. 

For further information relating to Annual Leave and any associated carry forward please review the Agenda for Change annual leave policy available here, or the Medical and Dental annual leave policy available here.

Deadline for Completed Template Returns

Deadline for completed Annual Leave carry forward templates detailing hours from 2023/24 into 2024/25 is 24th March 2024.

Please aim to complete and submit your return on or before this date. Returns received after deadline will not be handled until those received on or before deadline have been fully processed, therefore missing deadlines will result in processing delays.