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Personal, Fair, Diverse

We support and promote the NHS Employers Personal, Fair and Diverse campaign and encourage all staff to sign up, for more information click on the the link on the right hand side of the page.

In support of the campaign our staff have submitted the following examples of equality and diversity good practice, if you have an example to share email

Equality and Diversity - Good Practice Case Studies

1. I arranged a community focus group to get examples of positive and negative experiences in accessing healthcare and or employment in the NHS, based on protected characteristics and included these stories in our equality and human rights training for staff. - Andrea Smith, Equality & Human Rights Manager

2. The infection control team arranged for campaign posters displayed throughout the hospitals to be translated in to the top 6 languages requested for interpretation in the hospital -Marie Dewhurst, Infection Control

3. I put myself forward as a Role Model for the Trust Role Models scheme to help showcase the diversity in the workforce and encourage other staff in their career development. - Marie Dewhurst, Infection Control

4. I developed a neckbreathers awareness training packageto address lack of awareness around communication issues and resuscitation. - Linda Evans, ETL Facilitator

5. I worked with Mencap to put in place volunteering for patients with Learning Disability. - Doreen Ryan, Volunteers Manager

6. I improved the quality of the patient experience for non English speaking patients in the Dental department by supporting an increase in the use of telephone interpreting with dual handsets and wireless headsets - Alison Welsh, Dental

7. The dental department was involved in the development of a Specialised dental unit to meet the needs of patients with learning disability 

8. We arranged for the Quality Account to be produced in both Easyread and screen reader versions for patients, public and stakeholders. We consulted various organisations during this process, Bradbury Fields, a community organisation for the blind said “having the screen reader version is definitely working in the right direction” - Governance Department

9. I consult with the BME / LGB & Disabled staff networkwhen developing HR policies to ensure that the policies meet the needs of staff with all different protected characteristics. -Jane Mullin, HR Business Partner

10. I attend Staff network meetings to promote HR policies - Jane Mullin, HR Business Partner

11. I developed a hard copy & an audio version of the Equality & Diversity E-learning/Face to face training package to ensure that is accessible to all staff. - Debbie Bradley, Workforce & Training Information Manager

12. A attended a Somali community open day with my team to raise awareness of hand hygiene and infection control -Marie Dewhurst, Infection Control

13. The Emergency department have built great links with domestic violence agencies locally, this is has proven to be invaluable when working and understanding cultural and religious beliefs. We now use an agency that has 10 different languages spoken this has benefited the patient/victim in reassuring support is out there. - Dave Roberts, Safeguarding Adults Senior Lead, Emergency Department

14. We hold monthly training sessions to all staff and invite people from local communities, in raising awareness and identifying domestic abuse - Dave Roberts, Safeguarding Adults Senior Lead, Emergency Department

15. I arranged for FT membership forms to be given out at Liverpool Pride to attract Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual FT Members - Jackie Kelly, FT Membership Manager

16. I attended a Somali Community open day to raise awareness of FT membership and recruit members. -
Jackie Kelly, FT Membership Manager

17. I arranged a “Growing Old, Staying Health" event for older FT members to promote healthy living in older people. - Jackie Kelly, FT Membership Manager

18. I created visual menus for patients with learning disability. - Joyce Johnson, Matron

19. I developed pre-admission action plans to support patients with learning disabilities and their carers when planning their care. - Joyce Johnson, Matron

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