Staff Psychology Service


Looking after our own mental health and well-being is so important to ensure that we are resilient and we are able to care for our patients and colleagues.

Its been a tough few years and we know that staff need support, we also understand that working in the care industry can have an impact on your mental health without the external circumstances that we have worked through. 

Check your emotional and mental well-being:

We have a wealth of information on the occupational health pages to help you with your mental health. Spend some time and look through the Psychological support booklet for support and advice. 

Trauma-Focused Staff Resources

The Trauma-Focused Well-being Plan and supporting documents are designed for staff who may be going through difficulties with their well-being because of trauma. It aims to help staff members think about how their difficulties may be impacting them and to identify any support that may be helpful in the workplace. It aims to support staff to manage their wellbeing inside and outside of work and create a platform from which conversations about wellbeing and adjustments can happen

Guidance for Supporting Staff 

Trauma Focused Wellbeing Plan

Understanding Trauma Staff Support

Switching Off from Work Workshops

The workshop consists of three sessions which focus on the impact of work stressors, the barriers to switching off from work stressors and findings ways to look after your wellbeing in and out of work.

Switching Off Workshop - Learning to Switch Off Session 1

Switching Off Workshop - Learning to Switch Off Session 2

Switching Off Workshop - Learning to Switch Off Session 3

Psychology Service:

We are very fortunate to have a staff psychology and counseling service within our trust.

You can self refer for psychological support or if you are a manager you can request support on behalf of your staff (with consent) and support can also be requests for a team. 

Self referral:


  • Fill in the referral form 
  • Contact will be made by telephone by our associate psychological practitioner who will ask you some questions and triage you to the appropriate therapist/ service. 
  • Sessions can be completed in person/ telephone/ TEAM's 
  • Therapy includes: 
  • The service is completely confidential. With your consent the psychologist can liaise with other professionals or your line manager to assist with any work related difficulties. 
  • Onward referrals may be completed. 



Meet Chloe Hird 

I'm Chloe, and I'm the Associate Psychological Practitioner working with Occupational Health and Psychology for the Staff Support Service.
I have worked for the NHS since I was 16 to support patients, and now I am proud to say I support our staff with their health and well-being. 

Meet Dr Joanne Robinson

I'm Jo, I'm a Practitioner Psychologist working in the Staff Support Psychology Service. I used to work in forensic inpatient services and my favourite part of the role was supporting staff with their health and well-being. This is why I applied for the role within the Occupational Health and Well-being Team at LUHFT. I gain a lot of fulfilment from supporting staff across the Trust and helping them develop their own tools and techniques so they can maintain their well-being after our sessions have ended.