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Stress Risk Assessment

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Pressure is part of work and keeps us motivated and productive. But too much pressure, or pressure that lasts for a long time, can lead to stress, which undermines performance, is costly to employers, and can damage both physical and mental health.

Common causes of work-related stress include too much or too little work, lack of control over the work being done and a lack of support for management, colleagues or the organisation. 

There are actions you can take to reduce the pressure these things can cause.

We want to be proactive in managing stress in work.

The HSE identified the following reasons for stress at work:

We are currently working on the LUFHT stress policy and risk assessment to ensure that it is user friendly and ensures that the role of the employee and manager are clear and that action plan is effective to reduce the stress. 

Yearly Stress Risk Assessment:

Every April during stress awareness every team leader will be encouraged to complete a stress risk assessment with their team. Occupational health and Well-being, Health and safety and HR will then look at areas with high stress and target interventions in this area. 

Personal Stress Risk Assessment: 

If you are experiencing individual work related stress you can access the form/ complete it and discuss it with your manager and complete an action plan to help you. 


The Stress Risk Assessment Form can be obtained here

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