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Winter Wellness

[Image - Winter Wellness]

Self-Care Tips:

It’s very common to be affected by the changing seasons. You may notice that you feel less motivated or lack energy in the colder months. We are less likely to be outside, meaning we have less exposure to sunlight and consequently produce less Vitamin D (contributing to low mood, fatigue, and poor concentration), social connectedness is reduced and we may feel lonelier, we tend to be less physically active, especially with the dark mornings and darker evening, and eating a balanced diet can be hard in winter, which can impact our serotonin levels.

Many of us experience anxiety, low mood, and stress, which can be exacerbated in the colder months. However, there are many things we can do to manage and control it, whatever the circumstance. If what you are experiencing starts to interfere with your daily functioning, it may be helpful to visit your GP to discuss this

Your self-care doesn't have to look like others. It may be having a nap, going for a walk, watching TV / playing a game, or listening to a new podcast. Do something YOU enjoy, not what you think you should do

Looking after the 4 pillars of health: 

1. Sleep: Getting enough rest and following a regular sleep schedule.

2. Nutrition: Eating nutritious foods that provide energy and prevent diseases.

3. Healthy Lifestyle: Engaging in physical activity, avoiding harmful substances, and managing stress

4. Connectedness: Maintaining positive relationships with family, friends, and community 

Here are some of helpful tips from our Psychology, OH and Well-being Team

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