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Employment and Payroll Information

National Minimum Wage Regulations

In order to comply with recent National Minimum Wage regulations from HMRC, we have had to make some changes very quickly to some salaries that this affects this month, to ensure people are not disadvantaged.

This mainly affects those with car parking permits and those with salary sacrifice schemes.

In previous years, lower bands have been temporarily uplifted by NHS Employers prior to any national pay award, however this year that has not happened nationally. All organisations are having to comply this month.

Some actions have been taken already, in time for your salary being paid on 26th April and for those staff, you should have received an email explaining the situation already.

There are still some outstanding actions for others which will be addressed by an extra pay run next week and further direct correspondence will follow to those individuals next week. 

  1. For those where the car parking permit payment drops them below the NMW, the payment amount that has taken you below the NMW is being refunded. This refund will need to be recovered by the Trust when any national pay award backpay is paid out.
  1. For those who have contracts for cars or home electronics, we will pause the contracts in May until salaries are uplifted and recalculated. The contracts will then resume for the remaining number of months required. However for this month, the amount taken which takes you below the NMW will be refunded.
  1. For those who are making net payments for vehicles, the value that takes you below the minimum wage will show separately on your pay slip and the Workforce team will contact you next week to discuss further options.
  1. There are also a number of people paying accommodation charges and these will also be contacted to establish the revised way to pay for this.

We understand that for some this will be a significant change so we will work with you next week to address and queries but keeps us within this new legislation. We will be compiling some FAQs as soon as possible to provide further information for those affected. Please bear with the teams for the next few days but if you have immediate issues, please contact or

Evaluation of Fraud e-Learning Module

The Trust’s nominated Anti-Fraud Specialist, Phillip Leong, needs your help to evaluate the effectiveness of the fraud, bribery and corruption awareness e-learning module, which all new and existing staff (every three years) are required to complete. Once you have successfully completed the module, before exiting, please click on the link to answer a short (five multiple choice questions) survey. If you recently (within the last three months) completed the module and did not complete the survey, you can do so now by clicking this link: If you have any specific comments or questions on the training, please contact

Please note: We have received several reports of the following email addresses being used as part of a current, active ‘CEO / Whale’ phishing campaign across a number of NW health bodies.

You must not click or reply to these addresses. Please report any receipt to IT straight away.

Accessing your Latest Payslip

Please click here to view the captivate session which will show you how to access your payslip in ESR.

Changing Bank Account Details

Should you need to change your bank account details you can only do so via ESR Employee Self Service. Please click here to view the captivate session which shows how to amend your bank details.

Please note that you should always choose to update your bank details rather than create new. You will also only be able to change your bank details when accessing ESR from a Trust pc.

GreenLight - Contractual Changes, Expenses and Resignation Forms

The GreenLight system is used to process expense claims, contractual changes and Employee Initiated Resignation forms. Visit the dedicated page on the staff hub by clicking here.

Late Shift Cancellation Claim

In accordance with the NHS T&C section 2.24, where employees are notified of a cancelled shift with less than 24 hours’ notice they may be entitled to a one off payment of £15.00.

 All claims must be verified by the Roster Manager and an email must be sent to confirming the below:


· Employee Full name

· Employee Assignment Number

· Date of original Shift

· Date of amended shift


All payments will be made a month in arrears.


Contact List

Employment Services

Line 1 

0151 706 5463

Line 2

0151 706 4299


Expenses Team



Payroll Team

Line 1 

0151 290 4940

Monthly Pay email

Weekly Pay email


Pensions Team

Line 1 

0151 430 1926

Line 2

0151 430 1943



Payroll Address

Payroll and Pensions Services

Jubilee Court,


St Helens,


Related downloads

ESR- Change bank details- quick access (0.23 MB)
LUHFT - Employee Chang eof bank details V.01 (1.14 MB)

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