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Cheshire and Merseyside Resilience Hub

Help is at hand.The Cheshire and Merseyside Resilience Hub is here to ensure all NHS staff in the region have access to the right support, information and confidential psychological interventions they need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is a wide range of resources. Please browse the collection of resources to find what you need, from self-help to virtual staff common rooms to training for our staff.

Resilience is strength. The Hub has been devised to increase ours.

There are a number of specific sections

Staff from the Cheshire and Merseyside Resilience Hub will be in the Royal hub on the 3rd Friday of the month.

Check out the well-being timetable or other events from the CMRH






Note to staff other than Liverpool Hospitals staff

Please be aware that these pages are for Liverpool Hospitals staff and whilst general information is widely available to all Trusts who use LUHFT Occupational Health service, you may find that trying to access specific services (other than Occupational Health) is restrictive. If you work in another Trust, and you are unable to access any site specific links, your own Trust may have similar schemes for you to access. Please check your own Intranet 

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