How to help your colleague Transfer the Learning
A transfer of learning conversation, is a discussion between a manager and a member of staff aimed at ensuring that the new skills or knowledge acquired during any training or development programme (both internal and externally provided) is effectively applied and integrated into the staff member's day-to-day work. This conversation is critical to maximising the return on investment in training and ensuring that the organisation benefits from the enhanced skills of its workforce.
This bitesize resource will provide you with information on how, when and why we should make this part of our regular practice.
Purpose and Context: Clearly define the purpose of the conversation, which is to discuss how the staff member intends to apply the new skills and knowledge gained from the training in their role. Understand the specific context and challenges they may face in implementing these skills.
Preparation: Both the manager and the staff member should come prepared for the conversation. The staff member should be ready to discuss what they learned during the course, any action plans they have developed, and any obstacles they foresee in applying what they've learned. The manager should be familiar with the training content and the staff member's role.
Active Listening: The manager should actively listen to the staff member's experiences and concerns related to applying the new skills. This demonstrates empathy and helps identify potential barriers to transfer.
Goal Setting: Collaboratively set clear and specific goals for applying the new skills. Ensure that these goals align with the individual's job responsibilities and the team/Trusts broader objectives.
Action Planning: Develop a detailed action plan that outlines the steps the staff member will take to embed the new skills into their work. Include timelines, milestones, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress.
Resource Allocation: Discuss any resources or support the staff member may need to successfully transfer their learning, such as additional training, tools, or access to mentors.
Feedback and Monitoring: Establish a system for providing regular feedback and monitoring progress. This can include periodic check-ins, performance reviews, or self-assessment mechanisms.
Problem-Solving: Identify potential challenges or obstacles that may hinder the transfer of learning and work together to develop strategies for overcoming them.
Recognition and Motivation: Recognise and celebrate achievements and successes along the way to motivate the staff member to continue applying their new skills.
Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Discuss how the staff member can continue to develop and refine their skills over time.
Documentation: Keep records of the transfer of learning conversation and the action plan to track progress and refer back to in future discussions.
Follow-Up: Schedule follow-up meetings to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments to the action plan.
By engaging in effective transfer of learning conversations, managers in the Trust can help ensure that the skills and knowledge gained from training programmes are successfully integrated into the workplace, ultimately contributing to improved patient care and organisational performance.
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