Grievance Training

Course Description

Grievance training will cover the process of handling a grievance whether it be informal or formal, and the process of hearing it. Grievances are initiated by employees when they have concerns or problems regarding their working conditions or relationships with colleagues. This training will provide you, as the appointed grievance hearing officer with the tools to prepare for handling a grievance.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand roles and responsibilities of those involved in grievance procedures
  • To understanding handling of grievances informally
  • To understanding handling of grievances formally
  • To understand the appeals process

How to book 

Learning and Development has now gone fully self-service with ESR. This means rather than using the L&D portal on your desktop to book onto our courses, you will book your place directly through ESR.

Guidance can be found on your homepage of ESR ( .... look for the following section:

L&D offer