

Pack types is a team development tool based on Carl Jung's 'Theory of Type'. Years of research has shown that being able to identify your own and other peoples 'type' and being able to respond appropriately is likely to have a greater impact on your future success and quality of life than any other factor; including intelligence and qualifications. The idea is simple. A psychometric based game that takes minutes to understand, yet is so revealing that just playing enhances self-awareness, esteem, confidence, understanding and relationships within teams' dynamics. We use this as part of some of our development courses that focus on team development. However, we can also come to your area of work and do this activity with you and your team. 

Learning Objectives

By completing this activity you will have had the opportunity to

  • Enhance team awareness
  • Enhance team confidence
  • Better understand individuals type and create a team type
  • Better understand teams' strengths and development areas

Intended Audience

  • Full teams including team leaders

Further Information

If you are in the process of planning Team Development activities with your team then you might consider incorporating Pack Types into team development day. By attending a team development session, team members can explore their personality characteristics, their likely contributions to a team, potential areas for growth, as well as suggested action steps for improvement. By comparing their preferred approaches to work and relationships to those of their team mates, they will develop true self-awareness and stronger connections. 

If you are a manager and want to discuss how pack types could improve your team development activities, please contact for more details. 


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