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Team Development Opportunities

Who is team development for?

With ever increasing workloads and operational challenges it can sometimes feel as a manager that you don’t have time to focus on developing your team. You may already feel like you have a good team but want to find ways of taking them from good to great. You might be struggling with finding out what motivates your staff. You may even want to take some time out with your team for some bespoke team development. We have several resources that might be of use to you.

Using the 55:25:20 model to develop your team

Learning and Development are encouraging staff to use the 55:25:20 model to focus on how they can develop teams in the workplace- for example through work shadowing, mentoring, or sharing research. You can find out more about how to use the model here.

 What team development resources are available to me?

Team Development ResourceOverviewFind out more
360 ° Feedback 

The 360° Feedback tool provides staff with feedback on their individual behaviour and performance. You will receive feedback from your 'raters' i.e Peers, Direct reports, Line Manager, and others who you have invited to provide observation and comment on your leadership performance and behaviour. 

Click here to find out more about 360 ° Feedback
Myers Briggs (MBTI)The Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective personality self-report assessment indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. Type provides a framework for understanding individual differences and provides a dynamic model of individual development. Click here to find out more about Myers Briggs(MBTI)
PacktypesPack types is a team development tool based on Carl Jung's 'Theory of Type'. Years of research has shown that being able to identify your own and other peoples 'type' and being able to respond appropriately is likely to have a greater impact on your future success and quality of life than any other factor; including intelligence and qualifications. Click here to find out more about Packtypes


Self Directed LearningFind out More Formal LearningFind out more
How to : Use the 6 Thinking HatsClick here to read Confident Conversations Click here to read more about Confident Conversations
How to : Identify Team Development NeedsClick here to read Delivering Quality Appraisals Click here to read more about Delivering Quality Appraisals
How to : Define Your Teams PurposeClick here to read   
How to : Use SMART objectivesClick here to read  Micro-Learning Sessions Find out more
How to : Chair an Effective MeetingClick here to read  Managing Inter-Team Conflict Click here to view our Micro-Learning Sessions
How to : Use a Skills MatrixClick here to read  Having a Quality Conversation With Your Staff

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