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Training Needs Analysis(TNA)

In October and November 2021 we wrote out to managers across the Trust - asking them to provide feedback on their own development needs as well as the development needs of their teams.

What did we ask?

The survey asked for views on what managers are already doing to develop teams and individuals, what might be getting in their way, and how confident they feel in a number of areas relating to staff development (communication, team effectiveness, adaptability, and quality improvement).

Why did we want to know this?

We are currently reviewing our offering based on the 55:25:20 model of learning. Find out more about the model here

We are trying to encourage managers across the Trust to consider how they can develop staff in their own area – using training courses as a way to further embed learning, or develop a new skill – not as the sole option for development. We are using the results of the TNA to develop resources to help with this and to help embed the model across the Trust.

I am sorry it has taken a while to come back to you but we have been keen to provide you with specific information as to what will happen with your contributions to the survey and what we have already done with the results.

The Main Themes

Approximately 250 managers answered all questions. In terms of main themes, 1 in 5 advised us that they are already using work shadowing as a method of encouraging individual and team development. Also discussed was the importance of mentoring, regular team meetings, and appraisal as a way to identify team and individual development needs.

Lack of time, operational pressures, and staff retention/sickness were overwhelmingly cited as barriers to being able to develop the team and individuals within it.

Adequate staffing levels, protected time for development, and accurate and up to date job descriptions were the main suggestions to support the embedding of on the job development.

What we have done

Redesign of Learning and Development on the Staff Hub – A number of managers highlighted the need for more management development, and easier access to staff development resources. We have redesigned our pages on the Staff Hub to make resources more accessible and relevant and this will be ongoing over the next quarter. We have a leadership framework which aims to provide development to every member of staff – specific to their level. We also now have a section dedicated to Bitesize learning – these are articles, How To Guides, and videos on a variety of topics for staff to access in their own time for their own personal development.

 Specifically relating to comments in the TNA we have recently developed three How To guides to assist you in having development conversations with your staff and identifying development needs in your team:


The Staff Hub pages can be located here: click here

TNA Results by Anthony Butler

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