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Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Great Research and Innovation is one of the four strategic priorities of the Trust's strategy (Our Future Together).

 All staff should promote a positive research and innovation culture. All staff should raise awareness of research, clinical trials and innovation amongst staff, students and patients within their clinical areas, within the scope of their job role and as opportunities arise.

Staff should support research and innovation in the Trust by signposting, sharing best practice, developing new knowledge and supporting innovative change with colleagues.

Staff can become more aware and become more involved in Research & Innovation in various ways. 

This could include finding out what research is going on in your area, link with the Research teams, become a Research Champion and undertake further training. 

Research training for All

R&I have a suite of events and training opportunities for all staff from those who only require an overview to enable responses to patient queries through to those with ambition to undertake their own research.

Free Training is available from the Research & Innovation Team, online and via the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)

For further information, please contact the Research Governance Team 

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