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Leaving Us

To help the Trust understand why some staff stay and what might cause them to leave, we have introduced “Please Don’t Go” conversations for Nursing and AHP members of staff. If you are thinking of leaving the Trust, this is an opportunity for you to speak to a senior member of staff (this will likely be the Matron or AHP Lead) on why you are thinking of leaving and if there is anything the Trust can do to support you to stay. These discussions are confidential. 

Staff can also contact the “Please Don’t Go” ( inbox, which will be monitored by HR.

We would encourage all individuals to speak to someone from their own Division but it can be arranged for a conversation with someone from a different area. 

The Trust has many opportunities to offer staff across all areas, so it is very important that each case is considered carefully as to how we can support you to stay. This may be through a move to a different area or a change in specialty or even a change in career path. Please give this some consideration. We don’t want you to go.


We never want to lose a good member of staff but if you must go……..

Click the resignation form to hand in your notice. This will also ask you for some information about why you are leaving. It is really helpful for us to understand this.

If you are thinking of retiring, you may need some information about how to access your pension.

If you have salary sacrifice items, please read this section first before you make any final decisions. We need to ensure payments for your items are cleared before you go.

As per the Trust Policy when leaving the Trust it is an employee’s responsibility to submit their resignation via the GreenLight System. The Resignation must be submitted in line with the individual’s own notice period. Please note any remaining annual leave must be used prior to the leaving date, no payments will be made upon leaving the Trust.


In the event of an employee leaving the Trust via any of the circumstances below, managers must liaise with their HR Business Partner / Advisor and also the Expenses team via or 0151 706 5124:



To enable the Termination processes in these circumstances, Managers will need to supply the below information:



If you require any assistance please contact the Expenses Team on 0151 706 5124.

Related downloads

Resigning From LUHFT User Guide Final (0.64 MB)
Manager User Guide - Resignation Form-Final (0.30 MB)
Please dont go discussion guidanceDec21 (0.52 MB)
Please Dont Go Flowchart (0.41 MB)

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Call: 0151 706 2462

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