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Contact Us

Recruitment Team

Available between 08:30 – 17:00 Monday to Friday

0151 706 4666

Key Contacts

Pod A (Aintree, DSS, Hosted Services)

Deputy Recruitment Manager: Pauline Campbell

Senior Recruitment Officers: Joseph Owens and Sarah Cantwell

Recruitment Officers: Ewelina Banko, Lauren McGrandles, Anthony Doran, Marie Abbott

Pod B (Royal, Broadgreen, Dental Hospital)

Deputy Recruitment Manager: Cal Begum

Senior Recruitment Officers: Christopher Jones and Katja Van Rein

Recruitment Officers: Jayne Burnett, Ajayan Puthanveedu, Anthony Alrdidge, Victoria Hill

Pod C (Campaigns)

Deputy Recruitment Manager: Kerry Curtis

Senior Recruitment Officer: Heather Garrow and Bianca Cooke

Recruitment Officers: Briyanna Samuel and Sean McDonough, 


Recruitment Manager: Emma Mooney 

Head of Recruitment: Carolyn Jevons

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Get in touch

Williamson House
4 Stephenson Way
Wavertree Technology Park
L13 1HD

Call: 0151 706 2462

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